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+ GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui is the founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.

+ He was born August 15, 1952, in Cebu City, the Philippines and became a yogi while he was still in his early teens.

+ He is known as an international lecturer, an author, a scientist, a business man, a philanthropist and a family man 

   at the same time that makes him a very unique and modern Spiritual Guru for the many.

+ He spent a life time of detailed study and validation of Pranic Healing with a mission to alleviate the suffering of the

   many people. For 20 years, Master Choa traveled non-stop, to personally teach students in over 60 countries on 6

   continents with his simple and straightforward style.

+ Before his passing on March 19, 2007, Master Choa finished 25 books published in more than 30 languages,

   and saw more than 100 Pranic Healing Centers established in over 90 countries,

+ Until today his teachings and charitable foundations continue to benefit the many people through the dedication of

   his children and disciples all around the world.


+ Miracles Through Pranic Healing

+ Advanced Pranic Healing

+ Pranic Psychotherapy

+ Pranic Crystal Healing

+ Practical Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office

+ Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul. Meditations for Soul Realization

+ Universal and Kabbalistic Chakra. Meditation on the Lord's Prayer.

+ The Spiritual Essence of Man. The Chakras and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

+ Inner teachings of Hinduism Revealed.

+ Om Mani Padme Hum. The Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus.

+ The Existence of God is Self-Evident.

+ The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

+ Superbrain Yoga

+ The Chakras and their Functions

+ Achieve the Impossible. The Golden Lotus Sutra on the Science of Prosperity and Spiritual Business Management.

+ Beyond the Mind. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Meditation.

+ Compassionate Objectivity. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Spiritual Practice.

+ Experiencing Being. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Life.

+ Inspired Action. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Teaching.

+ Possible Miracles. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Pranic Healing.


+ World Pranic Healing Foundations (

+ Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. (

+ MCKS Charitable Foundation, Inc. (


+ GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui adalah pendiri Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.

+ Beliau lahir di Cebu, Filipina, pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1952 dan menjadi seorang yogi pada saat remaja.

+ Dia dikenal sebagai seorang pembicara internasional, penulis, ilmuwan, pelaku bisnis, filantrofi dan juga sesosok

   ayah di dalam keluarga secara bersamaan yang menjadikannya seorang Guru Spiritual yang unik dan modern,

+ Ia mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk mempelajari Pranic Healing dengan sebuah misi untuk meringankan

   penderitaan banyak orang. Selama 20 tahun, Master Choa berpergian tanpa henti untuk mengajar di 60 negara

   dengan gayanya yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami.

+ Sebelum Beliau meninggalkan tubuh fisiknya pada tanggal 19 Maret 2007, Master Choa telah menerbitkan 25 buku

    yang diterjemahkan ke lebih dari 30 bahasa dan mendorong terdirinya 100 Pranic Healing Center di 90 negara,

+ Hingga hari ini ajaran Master Choa dan yayasan kemanusian miliknya masih terus memberikan manfaat bagi

   banyak orang melalui dedikasi anak dan murid-muridnya di seluruh dunia.


+ Keajaiban Pranic Healing.

+ Pranic Healing Tingkat Mahir.

+ Psikoterapi Prana.

+ Superbrain yoga.

+ Mencapai Kesatuan dengan Jiwa Luhur. Meditasi untuk Penyadaran Jiwa.

+ Asal usul modern Pranic Healing.

+ Keberadaan Tuhan itu nyata.

+ Mencapai Hal yang Mustahil, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Ilmu Kemakmuran dan Manajemen Bisnis Spiritual.

+ Melampaui Akal Budi, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Meditasi.

+ Objektivitas Welas Asih, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Pembentukan Watak.

+ Transformasi Kreatif, Golden Lotus  Sutra dalam Praktek Spiritual.

+ Menapaki Kehidupan, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Kehidupan.

+ Tindakan yang Terinspirasi, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Mengajar.

+ Keajaiban yang Mungkin Terjadi, Golden Lotus Sutra dalam Pranic Healing.



+ World Pranic Healing Foundations (

+ Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. (

+ MCKS Charitable Foundation, Inc. (


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